The Best Advice I Ever Got

What is the best advice you’ve ever received? You get a lot of advice from others going through life—much of it bad. Every now and then you get a great piece of advice that can change your life. Here are some of the best pieces of advice I have received.

“You need to think bigger”—Don’t listen to people who say bigger is not always better. Tell that to Google or Facebook.

“Best investment you make is in yourself”—Nobody does wrong when they spend money to get new knowledge, new skills, and new ways to develop themselves.

“Only buy things that produce money”—Don’t waste money on things like houses or cars that don’t produce income for you.

“If you make a mistake, stand behind it, own it”— If you back up and hit someone’s car, fix it and move on. There is no backing out of it. Be ethical.

“Speed is power”—The faster you can do things the more you will produce, and the happier you’ll be.

“Keep your calendar full—no white space”—Nothing good happens when you are bored. Get busy being productive.

“You don’t start a business you are a business”—What are you doing to promote your brand? Just because you don’t have an LLC doesn’t mean you don’t have a business.

“Hustle alone will not get you rich”—You must have skills.  You can have anything you want in life if you just learn how to sell.

All of the above is great advice—and you should take it—but I want to give one more piece of great advice today. This is something your parents probably never told you, but they should have:

“Become a Millionaire”

If you’re not a millionaire yet, the reason you aren’t a millionaire is because of the advice you’ve received. You don’t have money because…

  1. You were not taught how to get money
  2. You were not taught how to keep money
  3. You were not taught how to multiply it

You don’t have to be one of the 76% of Americans that live paycheck to paycheck.  You have to first want to be a millionaire, and then you must believe it’s a possibility. You also need to get educated and get some muscle on your hustle.

Be sure and get your live stream ticket to next week’s 10XGrowthCon. This 3-day mega event is a great opportunity for you to learn from the best entrepreneurs and business people on the planet from the comfort of your own home.

After you get your ticket taken care of, write in comments the best advice you’ve ever received.

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