Don’t Forget, It’s America

While our country seems to be experiencing challenging times, don’t forget this is AMERICA!
Even though the dollar hits all time lows, the stock market is on a roller coaster, real estate has taken historical hits, our politicians haven’t demonstrated the best in judgement and we, as a country, are criticized around the world,  don’t forget— it’s still America. 

Go visit another country for a couple of weeks and you will appreciate all that the comforts and freedom so accessible, prevalent, and normal in this country. It is easy to love a place when everything is going well, and difficult to show appreciation when times get rough.

While it seems popular to criticize what America does wrong, I would love to see more people stand up and defend all that America does right! This is not to suggest I am unaware of the number of things we can do better, but all the complaining, the problems, and the challenges do not change the fact that this is the United States of America.

I love America and I see the positivity in the future. While I know we need to improve many things, I still know that it’s America, a land of true opportunity. Recently I made three major real estate acquisitions knowing that, regardless of today’s problems, America is a great investment for the long-run. My brother’s friend recently visited from Portugal, who on the very same trip, bought property because he saw so much value here! An Australian businessman flew in to meet me at my home, as he was interested in buying from me. I asked him why he was shopping for real estate in America and he said, “It’s America!”

Forward this post to your friends, family, colleague, neighbor who needs a pick-me-up and remind them that they live in a fortunate place!

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