Regardless of your position: banker, actor, mortgage broker, doctor, general contractor, teacher, car salesperson, business owner, entrepreneur, executive, hairstylist, chiropractor, fund raiser, housewife or whatever, you are probably feeling the effects of tightening economic times. Your real focus should not be on describing what the problem is, but rather how you are going to be successful regardless of it.
If you are feeling concern about how this tightening will affect you, it is only because you know there is some weakness or deficiency in your game plan. To insure your expansion and ultimately your chance at financial freedom, it is vital during times like these that you really buckle down and get your “A Game” on!
To become Financially Free a person must have four things:
1) An undying desire, intent and willingness to be Financially Free.
2) The right mindset to become Financially Free which entails how you think and interact with all your surroundings.
3) Ability to take actions that will guarantee your Financial Freedom.
4) Openness to learn everything you can about selling, persuasion, and negotiating, as Financial Freedom is impossible without these skills.
I meet a lot of people in my travels that swear they have number one handled. Upon closer inspection, most discover that their commitment waivers; they are not actually willing to do WHATEVER it takes to attain Financial Freedom. Sure you can hope and wish for it, but you have to want it so bad that nothing will stop you; certainly not a little “recession.” This is when you have to be so determined and so clear about what it is you want. I have worked on strengthening this skill my entire life so that I could ensure myself of Financial Freedom and get what I want out of life.
Intention, like any discipline, is a muscle that must be used everyday to get strong!