Two Types of People

Around this time of year I generally find there are two types of people.

  1. Those who are ecstatic about the holidays.
  2. Those who are absolutely miserable.

As more and more customers come into your store and interact with you by phone and email, it is essential that both parties look at themselves and make the right choice.

For those who are ecstatic; what are you doing the rest of the year to maintain that great attitude?

For those who are miserable; how do you handle yourself and make the switch to having a great attitude?

Customers are not coming in and talking to you for the great Holiday sales. What they’re coming in for is that Holiday spirit, that great attitude that fills the air, they’re buying into a state of mind.

Your responsibility is to make sure you have a great attitude all year long, make every single customer feel they’re being treated as a valuable person, not just a Holiday statistic.

If you’re near Birmingham, AL — Dallas, TX — Detroit, MI in the month of December make it a point to come see me, I’ll help you keep up your great attitude and close out the year strong.

Make one of these events the Christmas gift you give yourself this year. It is the gift that keeps giving, the gift of knowledge and motivation. Time is quickly running out and there are only a handful of $79 morning rally tickets remaining for Detroit. Also, limited seating remains for the full day closers workshop in Birmingham, Dallas and Detroit.

Look forward to seeing you there!

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