The Main Thing

In the last 50 years of my life, there have been 9 recessions, 4 housing busts, 6 major stock market crashes and 4 major wars that the US alone, has participated in. Simultaneously, in the last 50 years, there have been more millionaires and billionaires made than in any other fifty year period in history!
Fifty years ago, there was no Starbuck’s coffee on every street corner, no iPad, no iPhone, no electric cars, no touch-screen technology, no internet, no e-mail, no Google, no flat screen TVs, no CRM follow up System, no customer satisfaction reports, no 40MM Watch,  no thousand-dollar purses, no huge city-size theme parks….you get the point.

The people that created these things have made fortunes and they deserve it. They kept their attention on creating and producing a future not on talking about what happened yesterday! These people were so focused on their dreams, they disregarded the bad news or had so much attention on producing, they had no attention left to spend on the things that would hold them back!

What will you do today so that you will create a better future for the world tomorrow?

Keep the main thing THE MAIN THING:
1) Disregard the bad news
2) Disregard the past
3) Focus on producing for tomorrow!

Get producing!

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