Grant Cardone – 10X Your Business and Life

Funnel Hack Grant Cardone and Learn to Use Follow Up Email

email follow up

Want to know how to write a follow up email? Want to funnel hack me?

What happens when you email a customer but get no response?

You need sales follow up emails in your business and I will show you some great follow up email samples you can swipe in this blog.

What is a Follow Up Email?

Every company I have ever worked with all agree, “We could do a better job with follow up.”

There are basically 2 kinds of follow up:

  1. When you contact a customer who considered buying one of your products or services but they didn’t buy. This is where you stay in contact with them and help them through the process until a decision is made.
  2. When a customer buys from you. This is where you stay in contact with them and keep the relationship going for the next sale.

So whether a customer buys from you today or not, you’re following up with them either way.

This one strategy will make a huge difference in your ability to get a customer back into your sales funnel—either for that first sale or, if they bought,  for that second sale.

The follow-up opportunity is massive for any company as it represents low hanging fruit.

Customers that have either visited your website, called your company or visited in person have shown interest in what you do.

63% of people requesting information on your product will not purchase for 3 months. That means for 2/3 of your clients you need to be paying attention to you for 90 days.

It’s vital to have superb follow-up, to have strategies, tactics, and a schedule to close customers later who you don’t close today (and to get customers who buy today to consider buying more of what you have to offer!).

For follow up to truly be effective you must genuinely show INTEREST in the person, not just the sale, and then do so in the following three ways:

  1. Be Creative
  2. Be Consistent
  3. Persist over long periods of time.

The average sales rep contacts a prospect only one or two times before giving up, yet 80% of sales take five to 12 contacts. This disconnect shows just how many opportunities are going to waste. 

Email follow up should ideally be used in conjunction with texts, phone calls, and even personal visits.

You can learn more about these methods in my complete follow-up program.

For this post, I want to only talk about your email follow up.

What does funnel hack mean?

It means looking inside another person’s online sales process.

Why would you want to look at mine?

For starters, I was one of the first members of Russell Brunson’s Two-Comma Club, making over a million dollars in a funnel.

Want to see what some of my follow-up sequences looks like?

In order to properly follow customers up online, you’re going to need to set up an automated email series to make this flow easy.

When a customer goes to my website and begins to purchase but doesn’t complete the buy, I will send them with an email like this:

Subject: It looks like you left something behind…

This email serves the purpose of reminding them they were interested enough in something I had to begin the buying process, and it encourages them to go ahead and finish the deal.

As an addition, I also recommend some other products they might consider. It’s basically an abandoned cart email.

What happens when a customer buys?

Subject: Thank You!

Make sure you stay in contact with customers after they buy. Simply thank them for the purchase and then remind them about everything else you have to offer.

You can even offer them a coupon like I do to encourage a quick second sale.

What happens if they don’t use the coupon?

Send them more follow up!

Subject: Is everything ok?

…and then offer them the coupon again and show them other products they can consider!

Subject: This has to do with YOU

The Purpose Behind E-Mail Follow Up

If you’re selling e-commerce products for less than $1,000, automated sequences work well to follow up.

But if you’re selling expensive products or services, your goal probably isn’t going to be to close them online, your goal will be to get an appointment or get them back on the phone with you in order for you to personally pitch your deal again and maybe give them a demo if necessary.

I sell high ticket customized sales training programs for large businesses and so I also use follow up email with the goal to get back on the phone with a prospect.

An example of this might look like this:

Subject: [ Prospect’s Company Name ] –want help?

Was just thinking…how’s [ Prospect’s Company Name ] going?

A bunch of businesses I’ve been calling have been telling us it’s been tough recently…

Maybe they say that every year?

Anyway, just wanted to check in—want help?

Cardone University is still the #1 sales training platform in the world—literally.

Talk soon,


PS –I got your back…call me back for one new close you can use this week to get that extra sale.  My personal line is 310-777-XXXX

Email is Dead?

While open rates and click rates have declined some in recent years, email is still a great way to reach your customers. The key is writing engaging subject lines that grab people’s attention, not necessarily click bait but imagine something that you yourself would open if you saw it in your inbox.

Here are some topics you could consider for email follow up ideas:

The How To Email:

Tell them how to do something related to what you sell. Do you sell gardening equipment? Tell your prospect how to make perfect flowers.

The Why Email

Write an email detailing why something is. If you sell massage services, you can explain why getting a deep tissue massage helps your body recover more quickly.

The FAQ Email

Your prospects have questions, you have answers! If you have a taco food truck, write something like, “The Answers to the Top 8 Questions You Have About Tacos”. Get creative!

The News Email

Take a story that is in the news that relates somehow to your business. Maybe you’re a real estate agent and a story comes out about housing prices increasing in your area. Take the news and use it to stay in contact with your prospect.

The List Email

Feature content in a list format. For example, as a roofer, you might say, “5 Reasons Bad Roofs Fail”.

The Interview Email

Get the perspective a 3rd party. Find someone, somewhere who has talked about your products or services. Maybe you’re a small grocer, you can write, “Here’s what Tom Brady said about Carrots” and do a coupon for carrots.

There are many more email topics to consider, these are just to get the ideas rolling in your mind!

If you’re serious about mastering this thing called Follow Up, I’d encourage you to invest in my complete Follow Up Program. It’s literally the Greatest Sales Secret of All-Time.

Be Great,


P.S. If this post was helpful for you, sign up for my NEWSLETTER.

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