Grant Cardone – 10X Your Business and Life

End 2021 Like a Billionaire

Grant Cardone Fireworks 2021

Ready or not, there’s less than a month left in this year. Those of you who follow me already know that I believe in taking massive action year-round to get massive results. But that doesn’t mean that it’s too late to have a successful end to your year. No matter how busy you’ve been the first eleven months of this year, you can still end 2021 like a billionaire. 


Just follow these three money principles and your 2021 can end with more than just fireworks. 



A lot of you already know you have to do this. To end 2021 like a billionaire, you have to go out and earn more money than you are now. The fact you are reading this article right now tells me that in some way you aren’t satisfied with your income. 


Being dissatisfied is a good sign. Successful people, billionaires especially, are never content where they are and want to take their business to the next level. One of my events that I hold several times throughout the year, the 10X Boot Camp Interactive, teaches you how to grow your business and income if you are unsure where to start.  


Keep What You’ve Earned 


This second principle seems to be more difficult for people. Once you earn revenue, you need to keep it if you want to end the year like billionaires do. Keeping their cash is what made them wealthy after all. 


And how do you hold on to your hard-earned money? 


You have to get connected to both those who have made it and others who have the same forward-thinking mindset you do. Seminars and business events like my 10X Growth Conference are great places to make these connections and network in person.


If you can’t go to an in-person networking event, go to a virtual one. This is why I also offer virtual tickets to my conference. Want to reach even more people? Work on your social media game. Social media communities can be some of the best places to find the right people. 

Multiply Your Money 


This last step is a move only for the big league players. Learn how to multiply your money, and you’ll have wealth for years to come. While you do have to earn and keep cash, it will get spent and depreciate if you just let it sit there. 


Money multiplication comes from investments in hard assets. My favorite investment vehicle to do this is multifamily real estate. I feel so passionate about it that I am holding a Real Estate Summit where I teach people how to invest in real estate and network with other investors. 


Whatever investment vehicle you choose, remember Warren Buffet’s first rule of investing: “Never Lose Money!”


I guarantee you that if you can learn how to earn, keep, and multiply your money, you will end 2021 like a billionaire. There is enough money on planet Earth for every single person to be a billionaire. The only reason that everyone isn’t wealthy is that they have trouble with one or all of these principles of money. If you want to learn about one or all of these money maxims, come to the events I mentioned above. There are in-person and virtual options available so there is no excuse. Check them out at

If you want to achieve more and be more then I want YOU to be a part of my circle. 


Be Great. 

Grant Cardone

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