Always Push Forward

Someone once said to me, “It is clear you have made enough money to live comfortably; why are you still pushing?”

It is because I am obsessed with the next breath of accomplishment. I am compulsive about leaving a legacy and making a positive footprint on the planet. I am most unhappy when I am not accomplishing something and I am most happy when I am reaching my full potential and abilities. My disappointment or dissatisfaction with where I am at this moment does not suggest that something is wrong with me, but rather that something is right with me. I believe that it is my ethical obligation to create success for myself, my family, my company, and my future. No one can convince me that there’s something wrong with my desire to achieve new levels of success. Should I be happy with the love I have for my children and wife yesterday – or should I continue to create new amounts of love today and tomorrow?

The reality is that most people do not have whatever they define as success. Many want “something more” in at least one area of their lives. Indeed, these are the people who will read this book – the unsatisfied who yearn for something more. Who doesn’t want more?!? Better relationships, more quality time with those they love, more momentous experiences, a better level of fitness and health, increased energy, more spiritual knowledge, and the ability to contribute to the good of society? Common to all of these is the desire to improve, and they are qualities by which countless people measure success!

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