Grant Cardone – 10X Your Business and Life

Write Your Goals Down, First Thing Each Day

Want to stay motivated? Want to wake up motivated? Write your goals down, first thing everyday.
First thing you do when you wake up at 4:00am, have a tablet or get on your computer and re-write your goals, first thing you do, every morning. Maybe not the first thing. Maybe you get up and go to the restroom, and then you sit down like, I’ve got to bang my goals out.

Write your goals down. The things you want to accomplish in your life. I am not talking about a battle plan here. I am not talking about a to-do list. I am not talking about the people you need to call on today. I am talking about the goals – the things that drive you, the things that you want.

As I’ve said before, if you don’t have goals, and if you’re not focused on those goals everyday, you’re going to spend your whole life making somebody else’s goals and dreams a reality. That’s not what you want.

Stay motivated on your targets, your goals, and your purposes by writing them down first thing each day. If they’re important to you, and if they are valuable to you, wake up in the morning and re-look at them. Remember, out of sight, out of mind. Let’s take a look at them. What are my goals today? Every morning I wake up, first thing I do, first thing, I write my goals down everyday.


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