Grant Cardone – 10X Your Business and Life

What You Can Never Delegate

What You Can Never Delegate

I’m a big fan of delegating things in life to free my time up for what matters most to me.

This is why I don’t do things such as mowing my lawn or cleaning my own car—I delegate this type of stuff to others in exchange for money so that I can buy my time back.


Because time is more valuable than money.

All small business owners must learn to delegate better in order to scale.

When you’re in your startup phase, you are handling everything yourself.

To become a grownup business you have to start investing in great people to do tasks you can no longer do.

Three-quarters of all small businesses have zero employees which highlight the fact that people are resistant to delegating responsibility—they don’t trust others to do the same quality and level of work.

Look, you have to grow your business to become and stay successful.

It is a misnomer to think people cost money; a lack of production and a failure to grow your business costs you money—far more money.

However, when it comes to life, there is a limit to what you can delegate.

Here are some things in life you just CAN’T delegate.

#1 Health

Of course, you can use a personal trainer and hire a cook to make the right meals, but ultimately you have to be willing to do the exercise and commit to a healthy diet.

Your body is your responsibility!

#2 Parenting

It’s ok to use a nanny, I do. But you can’t just delegate being a mom or dad to someone else.

YOU are your kid’s most important role model and teacher, and it requires time spent together.

#3 Confidence

People can fake confidence, but if you want genuine, REAL confidence…it can only come from within and from the actions YOU take in life.

You can take many things from me, but you can never take my confidence.

#4 Goal Setting

Nobody should be setting your goals except you. Don’t reach for what others expect of you, rather set your own expectations.

I make my goals bigger than anybody else would make for me!

#5 Your Purpose

Can you imagine saying, “Hey John, can you get my purpose settled, I’m just too busy right now.”

Sorry, it’s not going to happen. Finding your purpose will never be something you can delegate in life.

#6 Relationships

Much like parenting, you can’t delegate this stuff.

You can hire an assistant to help with birthday gifts or making appointments, but sooner or later YOU will need to be there for a relationship to thrive.

#7 Spiritual Condition

Isn’t this self-evident? This is your responsibility and yours alone.

#8 Personal Development

The more you learn the more you earn.

I’ve spent so much time and money over the years going around the nation to different conferences in order to connect with others and better myself—and I highly recommend you do the same. I don’t delegate this because it can’t be delegated.

Delegate as many things in life as you can to free your time up to pursue what’s most important to you.

Come and spend 3 days with me at the best business conference of 2020—it will be time and money well spent.

—Great networking

—Great content

—Great entertainment

It’s 3 days of YOUR personal development, YOUR purpose, and YOUR goals.

And this year, there are 70% LESS seats available compared to the previous 10X Growth Conference.


Because we’re holding it in a smaller, more intimate venue and we want to focus on giving you plenty of network opportunities to make this the best 10X Growth Conference yet!

Reserve your seat HERE.

See you in Vegas for the best business conference of 2020,


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