Grant Cardone – 10X Your Business and Life

What Does FEAR Mean To You And How Do You Face It?

What Does FEAR Mean To You

What does FEAR mean to you and how do you face it?  Everyone feels fear. I do. You do. Everyone. The only difference is how we each react to fear. I’ve always thought that fear has two meanings which sum up the two basic ways people deal with this unique and complicated emotional state. FEAR can mean:


Forget Everything And Run

Or it can mean:


Face Everything And Rise


The real key to overcoming fear and not letting it control you. It’s about not caring what people think of you.  It’s about not wanting to impress anyone but yourself. It’s about having nothing to prove to anyone. When you refuse to let fear control you it becomes possible to do what you want as you pursue your passions, your desires and your goals.

I’ve felt fear in all forms. I have even been afraid for my life as I was being pistol-whipped by a drug-dealing thug.  Meanwhile you’re afraid of what? That you’ll fail? That you’re not good enough? That you’ll look stupid? That people will laugh at you?


Been there. Done that. So what? People ain’t laughing at me anymore.


What would your life be like if you never gave in to fear? What would you be like as a person if fear didn’t have so much control over you?


Look, I get it. Fear is wired into us and it serves a purpose. It keeps us alert and ready to handle any unforeseen situations. However, it does not necessarily exist simply to motivate you to run away. You all know the expression “fight or flight”. Both come from fear and since both are an option, I’ll choose “fight” every time.


Why? Because I choose to. Because I can. Because what’s the worst that can happen?


If I fail I try again. If someone says “no” I keep asking until they say “yes”. 

I’m telling you that it is possible to conquer your fear so you can do what you love, make a massive impact, while having control over your income and your life but more importantly, I’m gonna show you…at the boldest, baddest most exclusive, action-packed 10X Growth Conference we’ve ever held. 


I know that last year caused people a lot of uncertainty and yes, fear. The media sure didn’t help. But the people who didn’t give into fear, like me and my 10X team, instead running away or pushing the panic button, created opportunities and actually succeeded. I’m not bragging when I say we crushed it in 2020. I just want you to know that even in a time where fear is everywhere it’s possible to succeed. 

I can show you how when you join me at the 10X Growth Conference which is now sold out but you can still attend on-line.


Now just so you know, I’m going to push you outside of your comfort zone. I will show you how to achieve goals you never thought possible. 


I am going to make you realize that you’re capable of so much MORE than you’re doing right now if fear was not holding you back.


Does the thought of starting something completely new and unknown scare you?

Do you have doubts that you can really do this?

Are you worried about failure?




Being scared is perfectly acceptable. Letting that feeling keep you from achieving your potential is not. 

Wherever you are in the world, whatever experience you have, whoever you are, however old you are, the 10X Growth Conference  can not only elevate your professional life and your financial situation but your confidence as well. Confidence is the light that eliminates the darkness of fear and the cool thing is that confidence multiplies on its own with every accomplishment.


We all have to decide if we are going to let fear win or will we say “ENOUGH!”


Enough playing for peanuts! Enough settling for average. Enough living to please others.

Enough allowing fear to determine the course of your life.


Instead,  become the 10X badass you were meant to be. Join me at the 10X Growth Conference from wherever you are and you’ll see that there is safety and success in numbers…with nothing to fear.



For more information on how you can be a part of the world’s biggest sales, marketing and business conference click here for more information on the 10X Growth Conference.

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