Grant Cardone – 10X Your Business and Life

Use Targets to Get Yourself Motivated

Have daily targets. Just like you have a lifetime target, a monthly target, an annual target, have some daily targets.
What do you want to accomplish today? What do you want to hit today? Who do you want to contact today? What would be a successful day? Did I wake up on time? Did I go to sleep early? Did I spend time with the family? Did I spend time with the kids? Did I get my workout in? What’s your daily target?

Why would I want to focus on my daily target? Because I want to see what I am accomplishing. Why? It’s fuel! It makes me feel good about myself rather than focusing on the losses and the failures and I didn’t do this and I didn’t do that.

I want to stay focused on my daily target.

Now write down your daily target. What are you focused on today? What would make it a great day? What do you have to see happen today that would make it a target worth achieving and make you feel good about yourself?

Then go make it happen.


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