Grant Cardone – 10X Your Business and Life

Take Your Team and Your Paycheck to the Next Level

You can only do as well and be paid as well as the quality of the people around you. As the saying goes, ‘You are only as strong as your weakest link.” If anyone around you is sick, under-performing, and struggling, then sooner or later, the rest of the organization will become afflicted.
The larger population’s health and well-being should be of utmost importance to each individual member which is something that the most successful know. You can only be as successful as the individuals with whom you involve and associate yourself with. It doesn’t matter what position you hold – whether you’re leading the group or part of one – your success is limited to the ability of those around you.

Successful people realize that they have to expand energy and express interest in their associates because they know that if they are not doing well, even the most successful will be dragged down by the weakest links. It’s actually self-serving, to some degree, to care about what happens to everyone else. You want everyone on your team winning and improving because this is likely to improve your game. For that reason, you always want to do everything you can to bring the rest of the team to higher levels.

Train daily, motivate daily, and provide solutions in ‘real time’ when people need them. Check outCardone On-Demand for automotive dealers and Cardone University for sales organizations.

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