Grant Cardone – 10X Your Business and Life

Russell Brunson: From Wrestler to Marketing Genius

Russell Brunson is a master at turning ideas into money—truly a rock star in internet marketing. Over 10 years ago he started his first online business while he was still attending Boise State. He sold videos on how to make potato guns. Since that time he’s started over a dozen different companies selling things from supplements to software. I want you to get to know him.

Russell’s goal is to give away better stuff for FREE than other people charge for. He’s a self-proclaimed marketing junkie and founder of ClickFunnels. When he listens to the radio or watches TV, he’s usually watching for the commercials, and often times he will fast forward through a show to watch a commercial—because that is the real entertainment for him—and his wife knows that if they are watching a show or listening to the radio on a road trip, she’ll get in trouble if she changes the channel… because that is why he’s tuning in.

Do you love marketing and sales that much?

A better question is, do you love making money that much? Exactly.

Before Russell Brunson was writing sales letters, creating products and driving traffic, he was a wrestler. Pretty far from sales, right? Wrong. That’s where he said he learned to be competitive. Sales and business are a competition—but you don’t want to just compete, you want to dominate.

Russell himself says, “I spent about 18 months trying (and failing) with every program, product and course I bought. At about that time I figured out a very easy system for creating and selling products online. I paid a programmer $20 to create my first software product, and within 30 days have made over $1,000 selling it. Month #2 I made over $2,000 and by month 3 I had made over $5,000.

I was hooked and started to study marketing and business every moment that I was awake. My senior year in college I earned about $250,000 and within a year of graduation had crossed the million dollar mark.”

The difference between him and most of his “competitors” is that he actually does what he promotes day-in-day-out. He uses every one of the secrets he shares and tries them all in dozens of markets before revealing them to the public. He also works directly with hundreds of other businesses, advising them and increasing their profitability in almost every niche and every industry you can imagine.

He now speaks at seminars and conferences around the world teaching people how they too can start, grow, and promote a business online and get rich.

Make sure you have a ticket to 10XGrowthCon where Russell Brunson will be speaking. He’s one of 24 great entrepreneurs who will be there to help you take your idea, small business or even thriving business to even higher levels of success and revenue.

Be great,


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