Grant Cardone – 10X Your Business and Life

Ready to Make a Career Change?

Ready to Make a Career Change?

According to Forbes, 70% of workers are disengaged and not very happy at work.

Ready to make a career change? If you’re a part of this 70 % of dissatisfied workers, you might be thinking about a career change.

But to what?

That’s the roadblock that prevents most people from ever making a change in life.

Many, many people have made career pivots.

For example, Audrey Hepburn rose to fame in the 1950s as an actress. She won an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar, and a Tony.

During the 1960s she was cranking out films and was one of the most recognized people in America.

Then, around 1968 she pivoted and pursued a different career working for the United Nations to provide food and healthcare to kids in war-torn countries.

She was so successful in her second career that in 1992 she won the Presidential Medal of Freedom in recognition for her work.

She was first a world-class actress, then became a world-class humanitarian.

Or take Joy Behar, co-host of The View daytime talk show.

She was an English teacher until the age of 40.

And then there is Jeff Bezos, who worked in Wall Street at several financial firms before making the pivot to e-commerce at age 31.

In fact, the examples are endless:

 People DO pivot.

And you can pivot too.

But before you think about a wildly different career, the first thing you need to do is self-assessment.

You need to ask yourself the right questions.

You need to determine if the problem is the career itself, or you.

Make the effort to take a serious look at if it’s YOU or simply the job that is wrong.

This assessment will focus your energy on fixing the right thing.

Remember, it’s either the job that’s wrong or your approach and attitude about it that’s wrong.

If it is your attitude and approach, and there are benefits to the job, you might consider committing and anchoring in.

If you think the role is wrong, look at where you want to be, what other people are doing, where people are making money.

Make a concentrated effort to move to the position that you want and the one that will serve you best.

Here are some questions to ask:

1. Company Performance and Culture

-Are the environment and people positive and supportive?  Or are people negative and tight with resources?

-Is the company ethical?

-Do people enjoy their jobs?

-Are people showing up on time?

-Do co-workers like each other?

2. Senior Management and Leadership

-Do you like the mission?

-Does your boss respect you and your efforts?

-Are there clear goals on how to grow the business?

-Is company management investing in the business?

-Is the company forward-thinking or reactionary?

3. Compensation

-Are you making money?

-Are you being fairly paid and your job title reflects the scope of your
responsibilities and what you actually do?

4. Opportunity

-If you aren’t making enough money are you learning other skills, making contacts, networking?

-What other benefits are you receiving that compensate for the poor pay?

-Do you know what you’re learning at work? Can you see your resume growing and feel your confidence increasing over time?

You might discover that a small, solvent company with a great leader might be the best option for you.

But it starts with you, if your attitude is wrong, you will pass on good opportunities.

Keep in mind, the position has to serve you and your best interests.

Put yourself first, because you have to be selfish until you can be generous.

Maybe you are in the right career but the wrong job.

Or maybe you’re simply in the wrong career all together—but your job at least still pays the bills.

How do you pivot? How do you make that leap of faith to doing something completely different?


  1. Look for the job you want.
  2. Have a great attitude.
  3. Get to the decision-makers.
  4. Find revenue-driving opportunities.

Just like anything in life, if you want something, you need to SEEK it out.

A new career isn’t just going to fly into your lap, just as nobody isn’t going to come to your door and make your dreams come true.

If it’s going to be, it’s up to me…is your new mantra.


Change is required in both business and life to advance forward.

Nobody who is super successful stays the same.

Why? Because you’re either growing or you’re shrinking. Expanding or contracting.

Which one are you doing this year?


1) Poverty Level—Let’s just say anything less than $30,000

2) Middle Class—Let’s call it $30,000 to $70,000.

3) “Rich” Middle Class— $70,000 upwards to around $150,000

4) The Almost-There Class: The small percentage who earn over $150,000

5) The 1%: those who earn more than $250,000

You don’t need to become a Neuro Surgeon to be a part of the 1%, just get great at sales.

Over the years I have talked to tens of millions of professional salespeople from every industry.

I was speaking to a thousand insurance agents in Scottsdale, where the average earner in the room makes $970,000 a year. I asked them, “How many of you got into sales because you wanted to be in sales?” Almost no one raised their hands.

I was speaking to three thousand network marketers in Vegas and asked, “Who likes sales?” Almost no one raised their hands.

The point is you don’t need to like sales — you need to understand your entire future depends on it and quit fighting it.

Very few people inherently like sales.

Everyone I know who loves sales love it because they are successful at it.

In 25 years I have never met a person in sales who loves it that is failing at it. I have met a lot of salespeople that do love their profession and they all have two things in common—they make money and they KNOW what they are doing.

I’ve met thousands of greats; introverts, extroverts, male, female, boomers, millennials, all the varying different personality types from the very competitive, direct, and results-driven to those much more reserved, modest, low-key and cautious.

I have helped thousands of salespeople over the years learn to fall in love with their career and it is my experience that to really love sales and make a lot of money doing it, two things must happen.

#1 Commit to it as your survival.

You don’t need to want to do it, love to do it, or even like to do it—that will come when you get results.  You must commit to it with no other options.

#2 Learn how to do it.

If you were born a salesperson, whatever that means, then you will have to learn it step by step. By the way, I know lots of people I grew up with who felt like they were born salespeople and I sold circles around them once I learned the game.

You can have anything you want in life if you learn how to sell.

People go to school to get a “good job” paying 60-80K a year. In sales, you can start doing 60-80K a month, but you have to learn sales.

Ready to make your career pivot?

Start with Cardone University HERE and get your seat to the next 10X Growth Conference HERE.

If you’re ready to change, I’m here to help you make that change.

Be Great,


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