Grant Cardone – 10X Your Business and Life

No ‘Pretender Spenders’ Allowed in My Club

Ballers throw money around — because they have lots of it. I’ll define a baller as a person who is living large. Sometimes it’s difficult to know who is really a baller and who is faking it. You see a guy in a Lambo and he may be a baller, but he may be just trying to be a baller. There is a big difference. The truth is, you can have a Lambo and not be a baller. Many guys throw money around when they don’t really have that much of it, or it’s all on credit. My friend Victor Young, who owns a Lamborghini car dealership on the west coast of Florida, came on my show Power Players recently and said, “Seven figures is enough to make you worried, eight figures is starting to get comfortable, but it’s not until you get to nine figures that you start to feel like a player on solid footing.”

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