Grant Cardone – 10X Your Business and Life

Make Millions in 2016

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Goals for everyone in 2016 should be creating a better life for yourself and making more money—but for many it’s not. Health and wellness were top resolutions for 2015 according to 37% of Americans. Losing weight was 32% and 16% made no resolutions at all. The worst part was 25% said they want to “spend less, save more”—which is a failing strategy. You can’t grow if you don’t spend money to improve yourself, your brand, your business and your success! I was amazed that making more money wasn’t even on the list either! Apparently losing those extra pounds is more important to most than earning more income and achieving financial freedom. Let me be your coach and mentor in 2016 and start by telling you an important truth—resolutions in general don’t work. I used to make resolutions and they never did stick. I never made the resolution wrong – I just knew it was something I was doing wrong. What was missing was having the skills necessary to see me through on my dreams, goals and resolutions and having someone hold me accountable. So when I was 25 years old I made the resolution – I got the tools I needed to fulfill that resolution and then someone to hold me accountable. If you commit to getting in great shape you need the equipment, know how to use it and someone to hold you accountable. If you want to make more money you need the equipment, the right information, skills to get more money, and someone to hold you accountable. Here are my tips to make 2016 your best year ever: 1) Set goals 10X bigger than you were thinking 2) Build a plan to accomplish that 3) Add the skills necessary for the greater goals 4) Surround yourself with the coaching, board or team to get you there no matter what you have to do In order to properly put this plan in motion, you must skill-up and have all the necessary tools in your arsenal. This is why I created Cardone University and made it available to individuals by taking the tuition from $13,000 to $995—but this ends December 31st at midnight. Add this necessary platform to your arsenal and skill up to make your goals a reality— Your mom told you to be practical. Your dad told you to set ‘realistic’ goals. Your teachers—excluding the exceptional one or two—enforced mundane orders of classroom conformity. This is why the average American lives from paycheck to paycheck. Your parents, teachers and peers were wrong and New Years resolutions have never worked. Trade in your resolutions for goals that are unreasonable, unattainable and that stretch you beyond average and ordinary. Combine this with the skills you need to succeed and you will understand the power of this knowledge. Regardless of your story, there is a greater potential in you. The greatest grief of your life will not be the loss of family members, friends or loved ones, but the loss of your own purpose. Wishing you a Happy, Healthy and Wealthy 2016. Let’s crush it together. Here are my 2016 Goals: 1) Best Shape of my life by end of January 2) Increase my income 50% for the year 3) Another New York Times Best Seller with Obsessed 4) Infomercial Nationwide 5) More time Traveling with Elena Cardone & kids 6) Cardone University Accredited in Colleges 7) Help more people in 2016 than my entire career Be great, GC

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