Grant Cardone – 10X Your Business and Life

How to Do Strategic Planning Sessions

Companies all over the planet do an annual strategic planning process, either formally or informally. As a business owner, you do this, right? I’m talking about bringing your managers and executives together to discuss the issues facing your company.

While I’m the first to say you need more action and less planning, I do see value in taking a few days away from your office in an off-site location with your top people to strategize, plan, and make a clear vision for where your company is going.

During annual strategic planning sessions, I see CEOs making 4 big mistakes:

Mistake #1: Setting the wrong targets.

As I look back with the companies I have built, my one regret is that I wish I could go back 25 years and have set bigger goals for my businesses.

My strategic planning left me deciding I would cater to a small audience, and I soon became dependent on that small audience. You don’t want to be the big fish in a small pond—you need to get out there in the ocean. Have big think, big ideas, big spend, and make big plays, because believe me when I tell you this: it takes the same energy and effort to go small as it does big.

Make bigger targets to fuel yourselves further. Big targets are exciting!

Mistake #2: Not getting everyone on board.

Your vision for the company all starts with you—that means you must be able to sell your idea and vision of where you want the company to be.

What I do is show people they need to hustle and demand—you must DEMAND—to be successful. Get them on board or get them out.

I’m obsessed with getting great people on my team. But you also must get them on board with whatever strategies you decide to move forward with.

Whatever strategies you choose to move forward with, make sales and revenue priority!

Mistake #3: Depending too much on a plan.

All plans are flawed because the world doesn’t operate how you think it will. When you come together as a team to strategically plan, you’ll never be able to predict all the random events that will happen in the year to come.

In my experience of running 5 different companies over the course of the last 32 years, nothing goes as predicted. Let’s be real here, business plans are to give others the confidence that you aren’t just making things up as you go along…but I assure you that you will be.

Make a plan, but be willing to be flexible with it!


Mistake #4: Cutting Corners on Your Most Important Meeting.

Another reason why strategic planning sessions fail is that too many CEOs want to do it cheap and do it in-house. Look, you need to find the right location. Usually offsite is better, because it gets you away from the business of the office and adds to the attentiveness of the whole thing. Doing it at a nice resort makes it an added enjoyable experience that your staff looks forward to.

That’s why I hold the 10X Business Boot Camp at the luxurious Diplomat Resort, right on the beach in South Florida. This is a great place to revise your company’s mission, stretch your company goals, and answer strategic questions.


If you plan on going off-site for your next annual strategic planning session, I have a suggestion for you. Bring you and your team to the 10X Business Boot Camp.

Why pay for a facilitator that won’t teach you anything when I can give you 3-days of content designed to strategically grow your business?

You and your team can attend each of my sessions in the large conference room during the day, and then each evening you can take your team to a smaller room to discuss how to implement the material I give you into your specific business. Keep in mind, the material I’m talking about is what I’ve used to grow each of my companies into revenue producing machines.

Get your vision, your mission, and your strategic priorities in place for your business! Let me take care of your action plan.

If you answered yes to any of those 3 questions, reserve your spot HERE.


Hold Your Next Strategic Planning Session at the 10X Business Boot Camp

*Identify Your Strategic Issues

*Assess Your Market Opportunities

*Create Your New Goals

*Develop Action Plans For Each Department

I want to help you discover the right goals moving forward for your company, and I want to get your entire team on board with those goals. Imagine having big new goals, everyone on the same page, and a strategic action plan to make it all a reality.

Learn more about how affordable I’ve made 10X Business Boot Camp for you to come with your entire team, and all the details you need to make this happen HERE.

Be great,


The 10X Business Boot Camp is an incredible 3-day workshop where Grant Cardone, the #1 Business Consultant in America, works with you to devise a sales and marketing plan to drive 10X more sales to your company. Solopreneurs, small business owners, and large corporations attend this event to get Grant Cardone’s one-on-one guidance to take their revenues to another level. Receive the most current and best sales tactics, and do live sales role-playing in this surprisingly intimate gathering. Meet face-to-face with other business owners, sales managers, marketing directors, and executives to make this your company’s premier networking opportunity of the year. If you’re ready to unlock your business earning potential, book your seat at

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