How To Achieve Financial Freedom

Most people will tell you that to become financially free you have to either win the lottery, inherit a large sum of money, or receive a massive windfall from a big investment. All those approaches sound great, but they’re simply not true. I want to tell you all about how to achieve financial freedom without winning the lottery or being an heir of a fortune. But first…I want to share my backstory.


When I was 23 years old, I lived in a tiny apartment in Lake Charles, Louisiana. The only thing I had was drugs, a few bucks, and a dog that I could barely take care of. I fell to rock bottom. I was attacked: literally beaten from head to toe. I was a part of the wrong circle. After being in the hospital and trying to heal from my wounds, I decided I was done with drugs once and for all.  

How To Achieve Financial Freedom

I looked at myself in the mirror and I couldn’t recognize myself anymore. It was time to change. But after a couple more years of using and not changing, my mother finally sat me down and said “I don’t want to see you anymore.” After hearing that – that was the day I knew I needed to change. 


I lost my dad when I was 10, I lost my brother when I was 20, I gave up my potential baseball career, I had lost multiple jobs…but, I had a spark within me that kept saying “You are special.”


I was inspired. I wanted to do so much but it was buried deep inside of me. I knew my life had to be more than this. I wanted to write books, speak on stages, help people, and tell people about my life story so they wouldn’t have to go through the same struggles. They would know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. 


I knew that I wanted to be somebody. And that’s exactly why I’m here today.

How To Achieve Financial Freedom

So, how do you achieve financial freedom when you have absolutely nothing? No money, no skills, no savings, no contacts, no support? You start by getting into the right mindset. 


A positive mindset, determination, grit, and passion is what will get you from A to B, broke to financially independent. You need to think like a millionaire and someone who doesn’t give up. You have dreams and aspirations just like I did. All you have to do is decide on what you want and make a plan on how to get there.  


You need to be willing to go all in. You can’t just read the books, follow the steps and then ask “Is that all there is?” Because it’s not enough! It takes doing something…you need to get out of your comfort zone. 


The first step is simple: stop talking about what you wish you had and start taking action. You need to get focused. Determine your “why” the reason why you want to achieve financial freedom and figure out the steps you need to take to reach the destination. 


The second step to financial freedom is learning from the world’s top financial experts. The people who lived the “rags to riches” story, the people who built multi-million dollar businesses, the people who achieved financial freedom and want to help you discover the strategies that they used to become successful. These entrepreneurs and I are hosting the 10X Money Challenge designed to help ambitious people like yourself 10X their income and life. Secure your ticket here and uncover the secrets to achieving financial freedom


Be great,


Grant Cardone

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