Grant Cardone – 10X Your Business and Life

Help for Haiti

Help for Haiti

A lot of you have heard me say,

“Let the rest do whatever, while you do whatever it takes.”

Most of the time I am referring to personal growth and financial success, but this also should be applied to aiding others. 


A devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck the southern part of Haiti on Saturday, killing 2000 people and injuring more than 12,000. More than 300 people are reportedly missing. Recovery efforts continue, with 500000 people in need of food, water or shelter. Schools, homes, churches, and hospitals have been destroyed. All of this taking place with impending tropical storm systems threatening what remains. 

Hope for Haiti, a charity associated with Catholic Relief Services, is fearlessly there on the ground providing relief. They are supplying food, water, and shelter for those who have lost their homes, as well as helping people find their lost loved ones. 


In the past, we at Cardone Enterprises have answered the call to action for assistance. We plan to answer that call yet again. And we would like your help doing that if you’re up to it.


The people of Haiti need us to do whatever it takes and help, too. When you make a purchase from our store at, we will donate 100% of the net proceeds directly to Hope for Haiti relief efforts. This includes: apparel, training programs, books, audio, event tickets and more. You can choose from any item in our online store. Explore all of the different items that have helped thousands of people world-wide 10X their life and career. 

We are heartbroken by this disaster and need your help in supporting their relief efforts. We can make a difference and have an impact for the citizens of Haiti. Each of us is needed in times like these. We must remember that we are all connected—one global family—and our lives are indivisible. Thank you for your kindness and compassion. We appreciate you helping us a make a difference. 


Be Great,


Grant Cardone 

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