Grant Cardone – 10X Your Business and Life

Fundamentals Are Senior to Change, but Change is Essential to Attain the Next Level

Successful people are willing to change where necessary but not until they have executed on the fundamentals. The unsuccessful make the mistake of changing before getting the fundamentals down.

There is a critical balance between executing on the tried and tested fundamentals that never change and the willingness to change when the fundamentals don’t get the job done!

You never want to alter the things that are working, but great organizations are always looking for ways to improve what you are doing. Successful people don’t change things for the sake of changing, they get their basics in, using the fundamentals that have proven to work over time but are always looking for new and better ways to do things when the basics fail.

Most sales organizations make two mistakes with their training programs:

  1. They do not train often enough.
  2. Training ignores the top 20% of producers.
  3. Training is limited to only fundamentals and never taking the sales team to the next level.

Every sales organization should train daily on the fundamentals but make available more advanced actions to adjust to the effects of the changes in the marketplace due to the internet, social media, competition and more informed customers. Also, it is vital to not ignore the top producers in your organization through providing them with cutting edge new strategies to expand their thinking and increase take their production to another level.

Check out our Cardone On-Demand training program that offers businesses everything from the basics and most fundamental of sales training all the way to very advanced proven methods that can take the average producer to new levels. This is the perfect mix of fundamentals to more advanced strategies. One of our new clients says:

“Cardone On-Demand provides our management with daily sales meetings that are motivational, sales training of 4 segments a day for both sales and management, and then even provides access to Grant as a sales coach during the day to get those extra deals.”

Remember don’t change just for the sake of change, get the fundamentals in and be willing to introduce new ideas to use when the fundamentals don’t get the job done.

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