Grant Cardone – 10X Your Business and Life

Four Reasons I Won’t Retire

Four Reasons I Won't Retire

Four reasons I won’t retire… I’ve lost count of how many times people have asked me “Grant, with all you’ve done and all you have, when are you going to retire and just enjoy life?” I’ve been enjoying life for over 30 years and I plan to keep right on enjoying it. 


I just launched my 10X Income Webclass so I can show how easy it is to increase your income even during an economic crisis. 


Quitters Never Win & Winners Never Quit 


Even after all this time and all that I’ve done, I still wake up every morning just as excited as ever about what the day will bring. New projects, different challenges, the chance to help someone, you name it. In my life and my business, there’s no such thing as a typical day. With possibility and potential around every corner, retiring is the last thing on my mind.

Enough is Never Enough  


Ever see a sports team quit a game because they’re so far ahead they think they can’t lose? Of course not. It doesn’t happen on the field or the court and it doesn’t happen in my business. In fact, as far as I’m concerned the game never ends. I’ll just keep on scoring points which, in my case, means making money and helping others do the same.



Complacency is Death 


Everyone is so focused on the doom and gloom that they can’t see the opportunities popping up all over the place. Right now, real estate alone is a one-way ticket to increased wealth. Then there are so many other needs created by this crisis just waiting to be fulfilled. Businesses that are forward-thinking and agile like mine, can adapt and turn adversity into advantage. 

Expansion is Survival 


I lost my father when I was 10 years old. My family and I were left with almost nothing. I painfully learned that anything can happen. I don’t ever want my wife or my children to have to worry so I’m going to provide for them as long as I can. Then there’s the family I’ve created at Cardone Enterprises. I know I’m going to have to pass the torch one day. When that happens, I want to make sure they’re in the best shape possible to carry on what I started.


We all get one shot at life so we have to take our best one. Anything less is a disservice to our community, our coworkers, our family and ourselves. I’m certainly proud of everything I’ve accomplished both in my businesses and my life but I’m far from done. In fact, I’ll get out when I get knocked out and I promise you that’s not happening anytime soon.


Let me show you how you can create wealth for yourself in my 10X Income Webclass


-Grant Cardone




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