Find The Perfect Hire For Your Business

It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack. You know what I’m talking about. Your desk has piles of resumes and job applications; your email inbox has a flood of more. It seems almost impossible to find the perfect hire for your business.

The hiring process can be daunting, and in some cases, you might feel like giving up. Here’s how you can find someone who will fit perfectly into your company.


Find The Perfect Hire For Your Business


Step 1: Create Job Requirements That You Want


You want an employee that will help your business grow, right? With the set of requirements you have now, it’s impossible to find anyone who will love working at your company more than you do. But, you do want to attract someone who is passionate about the work, the product or service you sell, and is ready to embody your company values each and every day. 


Your job requirements should include points related to how impactful their position is to the company, how they can grow with your company, and what they can expect moving forward. Now, start looking for applicants who will match these needs! 


If you’re going to attract top talent, be honest about the position and its challenges. Clarify what you feel would be great about having the perfect person take over this position.


Step 2: Craft A Compelling Career Posting


Your career posting is what’s going to attract the perfect people to your company. This is your first impression, so make it count!


You don’t want to sell yourself short. Just because you’re looking for an entry-level applicant doesn’t mean that they deserve something subpar. Instead, write a clear and concise job posting that will entice the right people to apply. Keep it professional, but also have some fun with it. Let applicants know why they should apply and what you can offer them.


Find The Perfect Hire For Your Business

Step 3: Start Screening Applicants


Time to start screening! This is the part where you make a list of all of the applicants that are qualified for the position. On this list, write some basic information about each person, such as their name, age, location and qualifications. If any of them have the experience that would fit into your business model, put a star next to their names.


Weeding through all of the applications can be exhausting, so make the process easier by having a system in place. This way you get an idea of who’s interested in your company and who would be great for the position.


Now for the fun part: look through all of the applications and resumes. This is an exciting process because you should already have qualified applicants by this point. Now it’s just a matter of finding the perfect hire.


My business partner, Brandon Dawson, and I want to share our three hiring principles with you. We follow this formula to develop high-performing teams. Watch the FREE training HERE.


Good luck and Be Great,

Grant Cardone

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