Grant Cardone – 10X Your Business and Life

Financial Freedom Starts With You

Financial Freedom Starts With You

July the Fourth is a celebration of independence and freedom for the citizens of the United States of America. We come together to bask in the glory of freedom and how it has changed our lives over the years. Free to live, work, and play; to dream and follow our goals. 


We have the freedom to create a life that we want. There’s nothing more special than having freedom. Having a business is the key to unlocking that financial freedom. Today, let’s talk about how financial freedom starts with you and how you can begin right now.

In terms of business, we like to refer to the term “financial freedom” meaning freedom from financial worries – freedom to enjoy leisure time, family time, and personal time. I want to talk a little bit more about freedom in a business sense: how to free yourself up financially by building a profitable business so that you can do anything else with it without worry or concern for money. 

There are a few things that business owners can do to have financial freedom:

  1. Determine what you are passionate about:


Find out what business or type of business you are most passionate about. Maybe it’s owning a bakery, spa business, restaurant franchise, marketing agency etc. Or maybe you want to start something completely new and unique that no one has ever seen before. You have the freedom to pursue any business idea and make your dream a reality. Consider doing something you love and it’ll be easier to create financial freedom. The business of your dreams can become a business in the making with some hard work and patience. Once you have found what business you want to put all your time, energy, ideas, innovation and creativity into, you’re ready to take it a step further.


  1. Find a need that isn’t being met in the marketplace: 


Let’s say you want to be a business owner in the technology industry. You may find that there are already many businesses out there doing what you want, but nobody is focusing on a specific aspect exclusively. It could be an app or feature that’s NEVER been created before. 

This means there would be no competition and a need not met by anyone else! This gives you a clear advantage in your market and helps set you up for financial success.


  1. Develop your business plan and start small to test the waters:  


Business plans are incredibly important and can help business owners avoid problems before they happen. You may be unsure if your business idea is viable or not which is why it’s always good to test the waters with a small business first.


  1. Get out of debt by cutting up all credit cards and paying off all loans as soon as possible:  


Debt is the killer of business and financial freedom. This means that you should not take on any debt before starting a business unless it’s for something like equipment or supplies immediately needed to help start your business. Instead, get out of all credit card debt and loans as soon as possible so when you do start your business you can start building wealth right away.


  1. Invest wisely, diversify, and make sure you have enough money for emergencies:  


Investing is a business in itself and it’s crucial for business owners to know that there are plenty of risks involved with investing but also huge rewards. You want to make sure you invest wisely, diversify your investments so they’re not all in one place or company, and always have enough money set aside for emergencies.


  1. Learn how to invest in real estate so you can grow your wealth exponentially over time:  


If you’re looking for business advice, this is one of the best tips we can give. Investing in real estate may seem risky to some but it’s actually a really good way to grow your wealth exponentially over time. Having a passive income can help you grow your business even more and provide you with the financial freedom you crave.

Starting your business today will help lead you on more paths towards success for your future dreams and goals as well as have an income from the get go which means building wealth easier than ever before.


Be Great,

Grant Cardone


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