The purpose of prospecting is to keep your pipeline full.
The purpose of a full pipeline is to create your own economy regardless of the overall economy.
You must have NUMBERS of people in order to be successful in any business.
In industries dependent upon brick and mortar set-ups and store fronts, traditional retailers are passively waiting on traffic. It is everyone’s responsibility to create traffic, and to not passively handle it.
Do NOT fall into this trap of being a victim to markets.
Creating your own opportunities and your own traffic will make you more valuable to your company. If your company drives opportunities that you simply wait on and sell them, you are dependent upon the company and, therefore, less valuable.
When you create and drive the traffic, you become more valuable to your company.
If you’re a manager or executive and you don’t REQUIRE – MAKE MANDATORY – daily prospecting, don’t be surprised if your people produce beneath your expectations. Watch the video below: