Grant Cardone – 10X Your Business and Life

Fight Against Obscurity

There are two groups of people on the internet, spectators (those used by it); and those who use it to market and get themselves known. The first group is massive. I’m using my own network to get my brand out to the world. Don’t worry about pushing too much or becoming overly aggressive, as if that will somehow hurt your brand’s reputation in the marketplace. Although I suppose that’s possible, it’s much more likely—due to the overabundance of products, websites, and social media posts—that no one will even know about you or your company or notice your brand in the first place.

The board of trustees of a national cable channel I was working with became concerned that a new show that the executives were very excited about did not fit the network’s brand. I told them, “If you don’t start bringing TV to people’s homes that is current and relevant and that people have to tune in to, you aren’t going to have a brand to defend.”

I’m growing and defending my brand on GrantCardoneTV. Here’s what I do there:

1. Video—The biggest thing I do is video. It’s important to have a variety of shows for people to choose from. People are reading less these days and watching more and more video. I have regularly scheduled programs that post weekly. You can see some of my network offerings below:

2. Articles—I have a lot to say and want things in print because the more quality content I produce, the more people will find me—and keep coming back. It takes time and commitment writing articles, but a blog is a good to supplement your video production.

3. Podcasts and Products—I turn all my shows into podcasts as well. Many people can’t take the time to watch but can listen in the car on their commute. Turn your video content into audio for podcasts. Your network is also a great place to put your products for sale.

If you want to blow up your brand, in addition to getting big on various social media channels, think about launching your own network. You can subscribe to mine at GrantCardoneTV today.

One more thing—10X GrowthCon 2017 was a huge success. You can still get the recording of the event, and tickets are already selling for 10X GrowthCon 2018!

Be great,


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