Grant Cardone – 10X Your Business and Life

Empower Your Client

Your client needs you!

Do you allow them to leave the negotiating table and miss an opportunity to close the sale due to an objection they might have?

What is an objection really? Can you tell the difference between an objection and a complaint? How should you handle an objection? Do you even need to address it head on?

If you’re not clear what an objection is, what else are you not clear on? This is why the Sales IQ test that I created is so valuable to you. Until you know what you don’t know, you can’t and won’t get any better.

Taking this one step further, “handling objections” is not just a business skill, it is a life skill. It’s not something that will only benefit salespeople. If you work in a restaurant or any office setting, for example, you’ll hear objections not only from customers, but also your boss, co-workers, significant other, siblings, kids, and so on and so forth.

If you live on planet Earth (and if you are reading this, I am assuming you do) you must be prepared to handle and overcome objections in order to get what you want in life. And how you perceive what’s coming at you will determine your response and the outcome of the situation. Many things that you consider to be an objection may be something else all together. How you choose to respond will either move the deal forward or result in a stall in negotiations. Your responsibility is to empower your client to say, “Yes” and often times the difference in success or failure lies in your ability to identify real objections and handle them.

How successful are you at handling “objections?” Are you giving your prospect the power to say “Yes!” or are you working so hard at handling complaints you are getting in your own way of closing a transaction?

Learn more about this Closing Skill in my book The Closer’s Survival Guide. It’s in the Chapter “The 10 Reasons Closers Fail.”

Be great.

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