Grant Cardone – 10X Your Business and Life

Do a Little More Than the Day Before

Do a little more than you did the day before.

Look at whatever you did yesterday; the phone calls, the emails, contacts with families, contacts with customers, whatever you did, the posts you did, you stopped by and saw this many people, you wrote up this many deals, the exercise you did when you woke up.

Whatever you did yesterday, all I want you to do today, and you can do this in the practical, is a little more than you did the day before. Just add two or three or four things. Everyday, do a little more than you did the day before. And what you are going to do is, you’re going to start to stretch your potential. You’re gong to start building muscle. Motivational muscle, based on what you did.

Motivation is not something you think about. It’s something that happens. The more you can do each day, and then add to each day; contacts, emails, follow-up, customer contacts, time with family. The more you can add to each one of those little parts of your life, like exercise, the foods you eat, and the time you manage and control. The more you can do of that, each and everyday, the more you are going to be motivated.

Do your practical. Look at whatever you did yesterday, make a list and see what you can add to it.

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