Grant Cardone – 10X Your Business and Life

Company Culture Is The Key

Company Culture Is The Key

Here in South Florida it’s important to build homes that are hurricane proof and in these uncertain times it’s vital to build companies that are crisis-proof

Company culture is the key. In my opinion, people are the bedrock of successful companies. But, not all successful companies, even with an amazing team of people, are crisis-proof. For a company to be both successful AND crisis-resistant, leaders must create a culture of inspiration and impact that keeps their team dedicated to the mission, especially when the world has lost sight of theirs. 


An organization that builds a culture strong enough to repel global meltdown, is an organization that controls its fate. At my headquarters in Miami, there’s a few things we do to energize our team and maintain ninja focus on our greater mission.

Establish a daily morning meeting of champions…


Every morning at 9:05AM, my COO, Sheri Hamilton, leads our whole team, from every department, through the morning meeting you wish you were in. 


There are many ways to run a great morning meeting. To give you some ideas, here’s a few examples of what has worked best for my team’s performance and building company culture over the years.


  1. Always have energizing music playing while everyone’s walking in. This loosens people up after just getting into the office, gets them dancing and excited for the day. 
  2. Have a single, respected leader consistently managing the flow and energy of the meeting. 
  3. Find a way to have every single team member in the room cooperating and engaging. 
  4. Present at least one customer success story. If you have video testimonials, share them on the big screen to reinforce the company mission for everyone in the meeting. Let them see the impact of the work they do.
  5. Set the work day up for success by concluding the meeting with an inspiring statement or quote reflecting company values. 


Provide a dynamic culture with a dynamic space…


When I set up my offices in Miami I wanted to create a work environment that would reflect my energy and get my team excited to show up. Here’s how I did it:


  1. We keep our office clean, up-to-date, and filled with windows for “life/light” exposure. I do not recommend carpets – it is never a good choice. Keep your offices carpet free and always clean.
  2. Cut out the cubicles, if you can, or at least space your team out if you are offering these types of workspaces. Give your team comfortable room to work in independently and the encouragement to work together. 
  3. Our executive offices have floor-to-ceiling glass doors to limit the separation between the team and the leadership of the company. By the way, those doors are pretty much always open. I encourage you to have an “open-door” policy at your offices to promote easy communication. 
  4. Every wall and even most doors are canvassed with inspirational images and messages that keep the team motivated. This is something that I feel brings positivity in the office. 
  5. In addition to the 10X classroom where we hold our morning meeting, we have several open spaces where teams can brainstorm and collaborate. Allow your team to have areas where they can get their creative minds flowing.  
  6. I want everyone who works here to be able to give their very best which is why everyone gets the latest and most advanced technology. Provide your staff with up-to-date laptops and electronics so they perform at their best ability. .  


The team is the core of the culture…

  1. Lead by example. Hold yourself to the highest standard, and your team will hold themselves to it too. They’ll follow in the footsteps of the most successful person in the room. Show them what it takes to be that person. 
  2. Three words you will never hear in our offices: “Not my job”.
  3. We have an open door policy from the top down that encourages communication and collaboration. Everyone’s input matters here, and no one is afraid to share their ideas.  

Creating a culture is a process and anyone can do it. Every leader must do this in order for a company to prosper. Without culture, no one wants to work for you, so you never grow. If you can’t define your company culture, the reason is staring you in the mirror. A leader’s words and actions send a message to the rest of the team.

If you’re having trouble defining your company’s culture and want to create a type of team work ethic as I have at Cardone Enterprises I recommend your team take the time to watch the 10X Income Webclass today. This webclass will help them better understand their personal goals as well as their purpose which will help with their performance. 


You can build a culture that’s dynamic and durable – you just have to have a team that’s willing to learn.


Be great,


Grant Cardone


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