Set 10X Goals for 2014!

Hello Everyone! By now you have exchanged gifts and are heading towards a new year filled with opportunity. This is a perfect time to look forward and set your targets for next year- and a perfect time for the 4th part of my “How to Bring in 2014 Successfully” series – SET BIG, BANGING 10X GOALS!

So far this month, we’ve covered, 1. Get Sold on Yourself & Your Product 2. Close the Deal and 3. Dominate Your Competition and now I will give you some tips to set goals big enough to keep you excited and motivated.

On New Year’s Eve, go ahead and celebrate last year’s great wins but also assess what you accomplished as a way to determine what more needs to be done. Here’s how to start the year off with big 10X thinking.

There are some key questions to ask when setting big goals. When I say big goals I’m not messing around. My goal is for 7 billion people on planet earth to know my name. Nuts right? Exactly. The big goals are the ones that when spoken to others provoke judgment. “You’re insane.” “You’re never going to do that.” “Why don’t you think realistically?” DO NOT LISTEN! DO NOT LOWER YOUR TARGET! Instead, increase activity.

Here are ten 10X questions to get you thinking BIG! Feel free to grab a note pad and write your down answers. This exercise will help you get all fired up about 2014 and all you can do.

  1. Do you think you have the potential to achieve more than you are currently achieving?
  2. Are you capable of more action and greater results in business and in life?
  3. What are 3 things you would want to have if money wasn’t an object and you can have them for free?
  4. What else would you want to do for a living besides what you’re doing now?
  5. Who are 10 people to meet in 2014 who could change the direction of your life and how do you plan to contact them?
  6. Do you have a financial plan for your future or just a budget? It’s vital that you know the difference.
  7. Are there places in your life where you aren’t 100% “all in” and fully committed?
  8. Are there people in your life who are holding you back with negativity and limited thinking?
  9. How is your health? Are you exercising and eating well?
  10. What are 3 things that MUST happen in 2014?

Once you start asking these questions more will come to you, trust me. This is the thinking that inspires massive action and helps me to try new things, get in on big meaty deals, as I see what the end result can be.

2013 was great thanks to all of you, the people who read my books, watch my YouTube videos, attend my seminars and use my training tools. I wish you great success in the coming year. Remember, success is your duty, responsibility and obligation.

Be greater in 2014!

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