Grant Cardone – 10X Your Business and Life

Be the Most Professionally Dressed Person in Your Space

Are you getting the respect you deserve in the workplace?

Being proactive and having a can-do attitude is the right place to start but are you putting enough effort into your physical appearance, as well? Next time you leave for work, take a good look at the image you are projecting with the way you dress. Another way to approach this is to ask yourself whether you appear ready to go to the Holiday Inn or the Ritz-Carlton? The answer will give you the key to how people around you, including your customers and clients are going to treat you. I am not saying that you need to rush out and buy a stylish Italian suit. There are many ways to look impeccable at a fraction of the cost. So why not look the part of the pro that closes the big deals and is winning?

A marine knows that an essential element of his success lies in being properly suited for battle; you should be no less concerned about your attire when you step out into the professional arena.

Suit up and show up!

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