Grant Cardone – 10X Your Business and Life

Approach Success as an Ethical Issue Not a Financial One

When someone commits to success as an ethical issue rather than a financial one you are tapping back into accomplishing at a higher purpose level. It means that you are fulfilling your commitments as a provider of security and also as a role model for your family, friends, colleagues and other groups.

Anything short of providing long-term success means putting everyone in your life – including yourself – at risk. I am not talking about “cash register” ethics here but rather the bigger concept of living up to your abilities and potential as well as your unspoken or explicit commitments. Agreeing to be a parent, partner, manager or business owner brings with it elevated responsibilities that go beyond making the numbers your primary or in some cases, sole consideration.

The most successful among us are driven by an ethical obligation and motivation to do something significant that aligns with their potential rather than how much more money they can squeeze out of a deal.

So remember, approach success as an ethical issue for even greater results that will sustain you and uplift those you associate with over the long haul.

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