Grant Cardone – 10X Your Business and Life

Aim High

Shoot for the galaxies and only then will you live with the stars!Most people NEVER aim high enough and, therefore, don’t get what they want out of life!
They end up in relationships that aren’t satisfying, homes they don’t love, careers they don’t have passion for.

Others even teach that you should not have high expectations in life. That having high expectations lead to a life of disappointments.
I say, “better to be disappointed because you set your expectations too high and came up short, than to have no expectations and be assured of absolute and abject failure and disappointment in your life!

Most people underestimate the amount of effort, energy and resources that are required to ever succeed.
1. Don’t underestimate the amount of effort and energy required to succeed.
2. Set big goals-you are allowed to DREAM BIG! That’s the reality!
3. Follow-up your ideas with 10X action!

Dream what you want your Reality to be!

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