Grant Cardone – 10X Your Business and Life

A 5-Step Plan to Help You Complete Your Daily Projects


“Startup” isn’t just a new business. As a busy business owner, here’s how you can successfully manage the startup projects you deal with every day.

Most people hear the word “startup” and automatically think it only refers to owning your own company. The truth is, we’re all in startup mode every time we start something new—whether it’s launching a new service or company program or creating a new production schedule.

I started my first business 25 years ago, and I’ve had thousands of startup projects along the way. I’ve also had a bunch of stalls and slow downs, and I went backward more times than I can count. But because I tackle every to-do with passion and dedication, I’m always moving forward. You can learn to do the same by putting the following five-step process into place.


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