Grant Cardone – 10X Your Business and Life

7 Tips to Financial Security

It’s easy to get distracted by typhoons and bullying and other awful news, but you must stay focused and maintain your financial security as your number one priority.

According to Pew Research, five years after the U.S. economy faced its most serious crisis since the Great Depression, a majority of Americans (63%) say the nation’s economic system is no more secure today than it was before the 2008 market crash.

Just a third (33%) think the system is more secure now than it was then. The fact is that these are still very uncertain times; it will continue to be this way, so you must make financial security your #1 priority. Here are 7 tips you can follow to change the game and secure financial freedom to support you, your family and your business for many years to come.

  1. Become self-reliant. Our government is broke and their programs and systems won’t save you. Hoping for this is a waste of time. Strive to create a life of financial freedom so you don’t need to depend on anything or anyone else for your survival and success. It’s up to you.
  2. Ask the right questions! Where are you going? What are you doing to get there? What’s going on around you that can get in the way of your success? What’s the bigger goal that you are working towards? Your answers will help you focus and make better decisions.
  3. Show up early and stay late. Now isn’t the time to relax and live on cruise control, content with being comfortable. Do more! Do whatever it takes to get more deals done and more income. Think of ways to be such an asset, to be so solid on a valued skill, that you become a company within your company.
  4. Add multiple reliable streams of income. Wealthy people never rely on one source of income. Get creative and start to build from an extra $20, to $200 to $2,000 and keep increasing from there.
  5. Earn more and spend less. Look, my goal is to have money to live on and in addition, money that is working for my family, my business and me. Get realistic on what you actually need and the lifestyle you want, how much that costs and then bank the rest. Accumulate money so that you can then invest it into things that will bring solid returns for years to come.
  6. Operate in survival mode. You must wake up each day hungry to contribute something to your profession. That hunger drives you and keeps you interested and committed to being better and pushing forward.
  7. Train and improve. Imagine if businesses told their customers that they invest in technology and advertising but not their people? You have to get great at what you do. The more you learn the more you can produce and that is the way to generating more income. Being great at what you do makes you valuable in the marketplace.

This is a whole new economy now. The American Dream has changed and after looking at the last 5 years, the significant drops in salaries and middle income level jobs, our survival strategy has got to change too. Tonight, really think about your finances. How would you like to live next year, then in 10 years, in 20 years? Then take massive action towards making it happen and don’t stop. If I can do it, so can you.

Be great, nothing else pays.

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