5 Tips for Job Hunting in 2021

When you’re job hunting you should never take advice from just anyone. I have built five companies that produce over $100 million a year in sales and I’ve hired a lot of people. Over the last year, a lot of people have come to the realization that you need to be able to get a job, no matter what is going on on Planet Earth. I’ll give you 5 tips for job hunting in 2021 to help you get the job no matter what is going on in the world. 

5 Tips For Job Hunting In 2021

#1 Make the Decision that You ARE Going to Get a Job 


Look, I know this sounds obvious, but you need to make that decision. You have to make a firm commitment that you are going to get a job. There is no “If,” you’re out of other options. Make a list of all the reasons why you need to do this if you have to. But more importantly, make that stone cold decision. How can anyone else decide to hire you if you haven’t decided you’re getting a job yet? It’s impossible! And it affects your confidence. 


#2 Spend More Time Looking for a New Job than You Spent Working Your Last 


You spent 40 hours a week at your last job? I want you to spend 50 hours a week finding a new one. Doing more than I thought was necessary has by far been the most successful thing I have done in my life. I wasn’t perfect or polished as I began my career in sales. However, I approached everyone I could. Because of that volume, I got results. (I became a pro at it later on.) Filling out a couple applications, putting your resume online, then having lunch is not going to get you anywhere. You’re going to have to put in a massive amount of effort to get attention in this environment, let alone get a job.


#4 Get in Front of the Decision Maker


You need to be aware of the fact that the person interviewing you may not be the person who will make the decision to hire you. You want to be in front of the decision maker because, often, that person has an invested interest in the future of that company. Ideally, you would sell yourself to the person whose financial well-being is dependent on the success of the company. Figure out who that person is and get in front of them. Make a good first impression on them and keep the next tips in mind in the interview. 


#4 Depend on Yourself, Not Your Resume


COMPANIES DON’T HIRE ON RESUMES! I cannot emphasize this enough. People are moved by confident, positive people. This is good news for you. This means you don’t have to be reliant on experience or education. Of course, your resume should be current and list all your accomplishments. I’ll tell you what to talk to the person interviewing you about in a moment, but you need to come in there well-dressed, smiling and with a highly positive attitude. A professional and positive attitude will land any position anywhere. 


#5 Talk About What You Can do For the Company 


Do not talk about what you have done in the past, talk about what you can do for this company in the future. Understand that all companies are only interested in REVENUE. Anyone who can directly or indirectly create revenue is valuable. This is another reason that you need to be in front of the decision maker, they are concerned with the money. There are many ways that you can affect revenue whatever position you’re being considered for. You will have to get creative on this front, and consider your own abilities and talents. Talk about how you can get them revenue, and you’ll have an advantage in the job market. 

5 Tips For Job Hunting In 2021

These are my 5 Tips for 2021 Job Hunting. Applying these tips will make you stand out head and shoulders above the rest of the people in the hiring pool. I know because these are the things I look for when hiring people for all of my companies. I can assure you that these tips work if you make the commitment and do the work. You’ll make an impression and get attention. And, you’ll get a job. 


Be Great,


Grant Cardone

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