3 Levels of Earned Income

You need 3 levels of earned income. At some point in your career you’ll want a raise…

You’ve been with the company long enough, you’ve taken on extra projects, and you’ve proven your worth…

Now, when it comes to asking your boss for a raise I want to show you what you need to do…

DON’T ASK YOUR BOSS FOR A RAISE, ask for a bonus.

3 Levels Of Earned Income

Think about it… 

You got hired to work your job for $58k and that’s the pay that was decided by your boss for your job. If you want to get paid more, you can, elsewhere, but your job will still be $58k to another person willing to work it. Get it? Sure it MAY increase slightly but… don’t bet on it.

Now, if you have taken on extra projects and you feel you should be rewarded you could ask for a bonus which is completely acceptable. Identify your achievements and present them to the decision maker to get acknowledged – if you put in the work you’ll get your end goal. 

Keep in mind… no matter how hard you work the chances of your job skyrocketing to a $100k salary is not likely so you have to create multiple streams of income for yourself WHILE you stick to your BASE income.

Here are the 3 levels of earned income which should be incorporated into your life:

  1. BASE – This is your main source of income from one employer that pays the bills and keeps a roof over your head.
  2. COMMISSION/TIPS – If you have a sales job or you’re in hospitality this is your extra take-home cash flow.
  3. BONUS – Factor in a bonus from your employer at some point in your career which can be given at any time. 

The goal is to get as close as you can to the collection of money so you can make more money…

No matter what level of education you have, where you grew up, and what your credit score is, you can make multiple streams of income for yourself and it starts with YOU!

3 Levels Of Earned Income

Keep doing great at your job and be open to the idea of creating new streams of income for yourself.


This is just the beginning…


It’s important to understand the different types of ways that you can make money and what actions you need to take to create wealth for yourself. 


I can show you how when you join my 10X Income Webclass today. 


CLICK HERE to get access.


Be great,



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